It was cold and cloudy outside, and it even seemed that it was going to rain. But that didn't stop any of Damitrius's plans of being outside. Even if it was only for a few minutes, she was going to be there. She was sure that the squid would like to have some company, since it was always alone. But maybe it wanted to be alone, she couldn't talk to it, so she didn't know. Either way she was going to go down there, even if the squid didn't want her there.
She skipped happily out of the castle and once she was out the door she immdeiately broke into a run and raced down to the water. It seemed to be pretty quiet at this time, and Mitri could hear the drunching of the leaves clearly as she ran through them. She considered just stopping and throwing herself onto the ground and playing with the leaves, but she decided it wouldn't be the best idea. At least not now, she was still too far away from the lake. It didn't take long to reach the water, since Mitri is a pretty fast runner, and when she reached the water she saw a big pile of leaves near the tree she usually sat under.
Mitri smiled widely and she ran at the pile of leaves. With one swift jump and a semi flip, she was in the pile of leaves and she was giggling. Mitri picked up some of the leaves and crushed them in her hands before throwing the small pieces up in the air and giggling even more. She loved the fall, and now she stretched hersefl out in the pile and began to hum softly to herself.