Hunted down
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Hunted down Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Hunted down

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Hunted down Empty Hunted down

Post by Zoe Gould Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:28 pm

Knockturn Alley.. at night, wasn't the safest places to be. But Zoe wasn't a normal person, so she was fine. Black cloak, and dark eyes kept her unnoticed, but still, Knockturn Alley wasn't safe. She stood, looking around, back to a wall, glaring at anyone who stared for to long. It was normal behavior, and no one really cared if she looked at them that way. But she was doing a lot more then just looking. She had on dark glasses, and with them, she was able to zoom in when she wanted too, a handy gadget she had gotten from the muggles. She could zoom in, find things about people that just.. weren't human, and also helped her see faces more clearly, helping her own memory in remembering the human faces of people who were not human.

Today she had been having a slow night, no one.. not a single monster was out wandering the streets, and to be honest, it was boring. Right when she was about to give up hope though.. she saw two figures enter the end of the street. Zoe tensed slightly, and reached up, appearing to adjust her glasses more, but actually hitting a little switch that let her zoom in. She found their faces, and then a smile stretched over her face. Fyona and Hoover... werewolves, perfect. They had been causing a bit of a mess in their newly found werewolf gang. Naomi Greyback was in charge of it, and they had been a large factor at the Battle of Hogwarts, seeing as they hadn't really chosen a side preference, and just killed ruthlessly. That helped make Zoe's job all the easier, especially when killing people who were her own age. Zoe stepped out into the street, and her hand went into her pocket, finding the handle and trigger of a gun, loaded with silver bullets, a staff lay on her hip, one that was collapsible, so that when she needed it, she was able to hit a button, and a full out staff expanded from it, but how it was, a gun would do nicely. She knocked into one of the werewolves, and scoffed. "Scuse me." She growled and kept on going down the road, before turning and following the pair.
Zoe Gould
Zoe Gould

Number of posts : 152
Occupation : Warden of Azkaban

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Hunted down Empty Re: Hunted down

Post by Naomi Barker-Greyback Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:46 am

Hoover hated having to spend any more time with Fyona than he had too, for he found her to be weak and unappealing. She reminded him of a turnip for some reason, and he never stopped calling her that. However, Naomi had asked the two of them to go ahead of her to scope out a shop. The shop owner had information for her, but she needed to ensure it was not a trick. Hoover had volunteered and Fyona had drawn the short straw.

The two of them marched in silence, looking impressive in long cloaks- well Hoover did. He was a large, handsome man after all, and he exuded power. Fyona was sort of short and unimpressive all around, and her lack of personality was a complete drain on him. He would have rather done this alone, anyway. Would have been easier.

Someone knocked into them and Hoover growled, reaching out to grab Fyona who had stumbled. She pouted and continued on. "People are so rude nowadays, there's no more manners. No one treats each other with common respect, I mean-"

"Shut up," he growled.

"Were you just listening-"

"I was, not to you," he murmured, grabbing her arm and pulling her closer, continuing walking. "Don't panic. We're being followed."

She swallowed and nodded, and Hoover released her. They continued walking and Fyona seemed to catch the footsteps that were almost in step with theres but not quite. She began to pant nervously and suddenly wheeled around. Hoover turned, shouting, "NO!" but she had already aimed her wand and said, "Crucio!"

"YOU FOOL!" he bellowed, grabbing Fyona. So much for don't panic. He began yanking her down the street with him as a flurry of curses fell from her mouth. Apparently, she had snapped. Goody.
Naomi Barker-Greyback
Naomi Barker-Greyback

Number of posts : 392

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Hunted down Empty Re: Hunted down

Post by Zoe Gould Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:01 am

Zoe smirked, and followed the pair down the road. It was obvious their distaste for each other.. made it easier for her to pick out the weak one.. and here it seemed the smaller girl of the two. She was nervous, Zoe could tell in her pace, in her flinchy movements, and in her general walk. But suddenly they tensed, and she grinned. Pulling her wand out of her pocket, she slowed her pace a bit, so that she was farther behind then before. They had tensed, and she knew they knew she was there, which suited her perfectly, she could almost read their minds by now.. all werewolves thought the same.. and these were no different. Suddenly, she watched as the girl wheeled around, and Zoe stepped calmly to the side, watching the unforgivable whiz pass her, and she took off at a run, following the pair down the road, zigzagging every now and then to dodge a random curse that the girl was shouting. Damn.. she really was crazy, it would be in her best interest, if Zoe humanly euthanized her. It was the only thing she could do in a situation that contained a dog that was dangerous to people.

Zoe, pulled out her gun, and still running, checked her bullets. She was full, and she lifted the gun, pointing at the girl that was seriously starting to piss her off. She was throwing curses and spells everywhere, and was shouting pretty loudly. The man she was with was pulling her along, but it looked like the girl didn't have much of a mind for fighting... or for being smart, so Zoe took aim, and shot, the gun had a silencing charm placed on it, so there was little noise, (She'd have to redo the charm on it sometime soon) and she had a pretty good aim, so she hoped to make contact, somewhere between the girl's brain, and heart, if not directly on the brain, if not, a good windpipe crush would work well enough. Zoe glanced up at the sky, checking the moon, and seeing how full it was, in case she had chosen a bad night to engage a couple of werewolves.
Zoe Gould
Zoe Gould

Number of posts : 152
Occupation : Warden of Azkaban

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Hunted down Empty Re: Hunted down

Post by Naomi Barker-Greyback Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:55 am

Hoover had not been paying attention to their pursuer, instead worrying himself with dragging Fyona away from the trouble. She was making it difficult though, by trying to rip out of his grasp to chase down the other woman- Fyona must have snapped, because she had always been cowardly. Hoover was strong enough to keep her moving, but it was difficult.

Suddenly there was a bang and something splattered against his face and Fyona went limp. "Fyona?" he asked, shaking her- she was much easier to drag, yes, but why? He lifted her up and turned her around, seeing blood pour from a wound in the middle of her forehead. He dropped her and his hand went to his face, where he felt the same liquid. He stopped cold.

"B!tch," he growled, before lunging forward, forgetting he was a man, not beast, as his hand shot out for their pursuer's throat, intent on slamming her against the wall of the nearest shop. He did not particularly like Fyona, but she was apart of the pack- ergo, family.
Naomi Barker-Greyback
Naomi Barker-Greyback

Number of posts : 392

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Hunted down Empty Re: Hunted down

Post by Zoe Gould Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:10 am

One down, one to go. Zoe was expecting of the man's sudden turn on her, and she pulled out her staff. A quick jab on the button on the handle, and it popped out fully, going from the size of a baton, to about the height of herself. She could maneuver it so that she could hit with it, or even use it as a pole to help her jump across places that normally she couldn't jump. It was pretty flexible, but still stiff, and would hurt if force was put behind it to hit someone. She skidded to a stop, and stood with her back to a wall, facing the oncoming man, who was charging her furiously. She barely had time to react to him as she pulled up her staff, and held it out in front of her, protecting her neck, and vital organs with it.

"Stay back Dog!" She growled out, holding up her gun again, she hadn't loaded it again, and she was simply using it as a threat, showing that she COULD use it, but she was worried now.. he looked furious, and she wasn't quite used to the fury of a werewolf, well... maybe in wolf form, but that was a different thing all together. She had been attacked by the girl, it was self defense. But the man.. it wasn't often she had to fight one in human form. Where she could see his eyes, see he was human somewhere in there, and she had to stop, and catch her breath. She had been running, and she sure was feeling it. The staff was shaking slightly in her hand, and she glared up at him, in a defensive crouch, that would allow her to spring if need be. "She was asking for it, and so are you! I haven't shot you yet, because you haven't attacked me full outright!" She growled angrily, staff pointed at him now, hand moving to reload the barrel of her gun, for another shot.
Zoe Gould
Zoe Gould

Number of posts : 152
Occupation : Warden of Azkaban

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Hunted down Empty Re: Hunted down

Post by Naomi Barker-Greyback Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:51 pm

Hoover was not credited for his intelligence, merely his strength and great size, but to be a really impressive werewolf like Hoover intelligence was simply needed. Most of his actions were decided on pure animal instinct, but he did have brains that helped guide his actions- it was just a problem of mind triumphing over instinct and matter. This strange woman pulled out a staff and brought the gun's sight on him, before putting herself in a powerful offensive stance. He did not want to stop his charge and leave her unharmed but what choice did her have?

He slammed his heels into the ground and slowed, stopping before he reached her, though the muscles in his arms and shoulders twitched, longing to seize her and beat the life out of her. Her words meant nothing to him- she had been following them, and in Knocturn Alley, that was a worse offense than simply outright ttacking someone. He snarled at her, beginning to pace back and forth as he stared at her. "Why were you following us?" he growled.
Naomi Barker-Greyback
Naomi Barker-Greyback

Number of posts : 392

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Hunted down Empty Re: Hunted down

Post by Zoe Gould Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:47 pm

Zoe watched as he came to a stop right before her, and started to pace. He really was like a dog.. a dangerous dog also. He would have been growling if he had been in his wolf form, teeth bared at her, and she could see the wolf in him, forcing his actions to be more wolf-like in human form, then other werewolves, he was lost, and she could tell it would be a very nice thing to put him out of his misery, and to spare anyone he would kill and bite, in the process. But just as she pulled up her gun to shoot him, he asked her a question. "You're a dog.. it's my job." She said simply, and raised her gun to shoot. Only to be disappointed, her gun had jammed. "Damn!" She growled and tossed it aside, letting it land in the dirt. It was no use to her jammed like that. She could get others at home.

"She tried to curse me.. so I killed her." She said softly, glancing back at the body on the ground behind the man. He was pacing madly in front of her, and she had a very well planted defensive position, the point of the staff pointed straight at him. She wasn't sure how she was going to get out of this, but she was taking in her surroundings, knowing she had to keep him talking for a bit. "What were you doing in Knockturn Alley Wolf?" She asked, frowning at him. "Come to kill someone else? Or do something horrible to someone?" She asked glancing around her again trying to find something to trip him up, trying to find something to get him off of her, so that she could either kill him, or get out of there. She knew when to cut her loses, and a werewolf on high defense was an unlikely kill.
Zoe Gould
Zoe Gould

Number of posts : 152
Occupation : Warden of Azkaban

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Hunted down Empty Re: Hunted down

Post by Naomi Barker-Greyback Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:56 am

"I'm f*cking human, what do you think this is? A stolen body?!" Hoover bellowed back, his low voice piercing the air sharply. He gestured down at himself and then reached down, picking up a shard of glass- there was always some in Knocturn. He lifted his shirt to show his toned stomach and pressed the shard to his stomach, causing a small trickle of blood begin down his stomach. "What is this? Human blood! Tainted, it may be, but it's red like yours." And oh, how he wanted to see her blood now, now he wanted to taste it, roll in a puddle of it. She would pay. Pack was family.

"You were following us!" he accused. "When you are being followed in Knockturn it means there's going to be a knife in your back!" She was still in no position to be attacked, otherwise he would have pounced on her when her gun had failed her. He wanted to show her a real animal. She thought he was bad as a wolf? He would rip her throat out with his teeth regardless.

She questioned him and he moved towards her threateningly, before pulling himself back. No, no.. Wait. Wait for the better moment." She continued on and he felt his fury flare. "Who's to say we weren't just out for a walk!?" It wasn't NOT true.. They had just been going to a shop, wanting to size up the owner. No hostile intentions yet. "Does every lion wake up only to hunt? No, neither do wolves."
Naomi Barker-Greyback
Naomi Barker-Greyback

Number of posts : 392

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Hunted down Empty Re: Hunted down

Post by Zoe Gould Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:28 pm

Zoe listened to him in disgust. "You are no human wolf! You are the farthest being from human, and you will die along with that scum I already shot." She said and spit on the ground to enhance her message. "Following.. walking... how do you know I was following? Does everyone who gets attacked in Knockturn Alley start off by following someone else? How do you know I wasn't just heading the same direction? How do you know I hadn't forgotten which way I was going and turned around after running into you?" She asked scowling at him. "You attack everyone who happens to be heading the same direction in this place?" She asked shifting to reassure her footing on the ground.

When he came closer, she lifted the staff to point at his heart, but he stepped back again, and she moved it back into her defensive position. "We both have the same problem here.. we were both out for a walk, and your girlfriend there attacked me.. so I defended.. and now? now one of us is going to die." She said simply, staring into his eyes, hatred fueling hers. "You all are a disgrace to this world, and YOU deserve to die.. For if you were to kill me.. it'd be your Pack's head as well.. why? Because I have people who would look for me." she growled low in her throat and shifted slightly so that she could reach another gun around her back, tucked into the back of her pants.

"Prepare to die Monster."
Zoe Gould
Zoe Gould

Number of posts : 152
Occupation : Warden of Azkaban

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