The dark mark on Remy Devaul’s arm could burn for one of two reasons. A prickling burn meant she was being summoned for a meeting of some sort at the manor. The white hot burn she was feeling now that caused her to yank her hand violently away from the door she was just about to open meant that there had been an intrusion into Malfoy Manor and she had to report immediately.
Remy had felt this burn only once before during her time with the Death Eaters, and it had turned out to be a group of petty thieves who thought they would find something of value in the manor. Instead, they found themselves encircled by a group of angry Death Eaters, and needless to say, they didn’t last long.
The call to arms right now peeved Remy for two reasons, the first of which being that it was going to keep her from what would have been a very fun night with a “friend” of hers that had invited her over only 30 minutes earlier. She had been so busy working at Satan’s and running Death Eater errands lately that she hadn’t had any time for the type of fun she usually indulged in, and it seemed that the wait was far from over.
Remy was also annoyed because this type of burn meant she was expected to show up and be able to defend the manor from any intruders, but Remy knew perfectly well that her wand would be very little help against anyone attempting a break-in. Therefore, each time she responded to one of these calls, she was taking the risk that her magical ineptitude would be discovered by the other Death Eaters.
But not reporting would mean death or at the very least torture. So that made the decision much easier.
Sighing, Remy hurried down the steps she had just ascended and swung her leg over her motorcycle and sped off toward the manor. She arrived in short order and parked her bike in the usual hidden spot. Before she approached the manor, she took a small caliber pistol from beneath the seat of the motorcycle and tucked it discreetly into the back of the waistband of her jeans. Using it in front of any witch or wizard would be an absolute last resort (for obvious reasons), but Remy also didn’t want to go in completely defenseless. She would use her fists and escape skills for as long as possible, but if it came down to it, Remy wanted a surefire way out.
As she approached the door, Remy got out her wand – mostly just for show. There was very little she could actually do with it – and pushed open the door that had been left slightly ajar. She lit the end of her wand as she walked in, illuminating the dark hallway, and moved lithely until the faint light from the end of her wand cast a figure into relief.
Grindelwald, Remy immediately identified, lowering her wand when she saw that he was staring calmly toward the door, waiting for her and the rest of the Death Eaters to arrive. You sneaky bastard…
“Evening,” Remy said by way of greeting, inclining her head in respect as she tucked her wand away in her jacket.
“I’m glad to see you’ve got everything under control where the intruders are concerned,” Remy intoned jokingly, emphasizing the fact that she had already realized there was no danger. She did not take the joke any further, though, as she recognized the power Grindelwald possessed and did not wish to make him feel as though she did not take him seriously. She knew there was much that could be gained by getting on the man’s good side, and she was willing to do a great deal to stay on the right side of such a powerful individual.