Hello staff members!
This topic is not where you report attendance, is the first thing I'll tell you, just to clear that up from the get go.
No, I'll explain that and more momentarily.
Right now though, i want to just clear up the motivation for doing this, so that none of you feel that we're being evil, or anything like that. We're doing this because without students to post with, other students who want to be in classes with their friends, aren't able to do so because there aren't enough students to reply in those classes, and because you people (The staff) all seem to be having issues with attendance. We're doing this not to punish people, but to try and make this more fun, (and maybe a little more realistic) for everyone involved. Teachers with no classes is silly...
So with that behind us I'll actually explain what to do now.
1) Set up you class report topic now. This involves simply creating two topics in this forum which are titled with your class name (Subject and level) I'll make one in a moment as an example for you all.
2) We're not using those annoying lists that currently inhabit the site anymore, we're sick of having 15 billion lists all regarding one thing, and all with different details on them floation around. Instead we ask that you use the contents of your group as a reference as to who should be in you classes every week, these will definitely have any new students in them, and any old, inactive ones should be removed whenever it's brought to our attention.
3) The way you actually report it is simple. You merely write a list (Probably in a text editor of some sort, please don't post it on the site) of who attended, then cross check it with the group's contents. Then you post in the classes topic in this forum stating who was not in the class.
And then that's it for you. We take it from there, you needn't worry about doing any more work in regards to this, other than just making sure it's update every single lesson.
If there are any questions, look at my example and see if that solves any of them, then reply here if it doesn't, and I'll be happy to help.
Thank you for your cooperation
The Admin Team.