In the last month, the Daily Prophet has been watching as numbers of missing, dead and injured have risen. Now, we have the full list along with pictures, names and ages of a few of those. So, without further adieu...
the following areDEADEMILY SINESTRA,TWENTY-FOURwerewolf attackANDREW WILKINS, TWENTYwerewolf attackJESSICA BERRY, NINTEENwerewolf attackMICHAEL WALKER, TWENTY-TWOwerewolf attackLOUISA CURRY, TWENTY-SEVENwerewolf attackRICHARD CUMMINGS, TWENTY-SEVENwerewolf attackMIA WISEMAN, TWENTY-ONEwerewolf attackHARRY MICHAELS, TWENTY-THREEwerewolf attackNELL RANGERS, TWENTY-FIVEwerewolf attackMATTHEW SUMMERS, SEVENTEENwerewolf attackLILY SUMMERS, FIFTEENwerewolf attackJACKSON SOLE, NINETEENwerewolf attackthe following areMISSINGRISÉ LEHMBERG, FIFTEENlast seen in Hogwarts groundsNAOMI GREYBACK, SEVETEENvictim of kidnap, last known location unknownMARCUS PATTINSON, EIGHTEENlast seen in HogsmeadeMAXWELL PORTER, NINETEENlast seen in LondonThe disappearances and the deaths as well as the extensive injuries listed below are all credited to werewolves and the Ministry would like to remind the public that it is no longer safe -- anywhere. Werewolves walk among us and now, they're out to get us.
Written by Cyrus Skeeter.
Jenny Jackson, Clara Thornton, Milla Javo, Kellie Fielding, Olga Matthews, Peter Dawson, Yvonne Michaels, Terry Jackson, Elliot Rumer, Isaac James, Joey Markson, Elizabeth Smith, Catherine Hagley, Philippa Chelde, Angela Lysle, Amelia Castle, Johnny Truman, Rachel Berry, Kay Priest, Bethanie Clavell, Jessica Swan, Isabella Sheffield, Edward Gaville, Lisa Shearborn - *names continue on*